Us and our contact details.

Parliament Hill Limited act as data controller and our contact details are Parliament Hill Ltd, Britannia House, 21 Station Street, Brighton BN1 4DE.  Contact e-mail address for Data Protection requests is

Main purpose and lawful basis for processing.

This is data you have provided to us in order that we may send you a renewal reminder at a later date. We have a contract with the legal entity Royal Society of Biology for whom we provide the Benefit Scheme. Under that contract we agree to offer a service to Members. Where you ask us to provide you with a renewal reminder then we are carrying out that service as part of the contract we have agreed with our Client. That service is in relation to a Benefit Scheme open to those defined as Members in the benefit agreement. Where we provide you with a service under or in connection with the Benefit Scheme, then that service request creates a contract between you and us in respect of that service for which we receive consideration under the main Benefit Scheme arrangement.   

Legitimate business interests and legal requirements and those possible recipients of personal data.

Below is an example of our and others legitimate business interests and should not be considered an exclusive list.

Where we are regulated or the benefit is regulated we may need to comply with regulatory requirements then we might need to provide data to the Financial Ombudsman Service, the Financial Conduct Authority, Financial Services Compensation Scheme of the Information Commissioners office.

In administering your renewal reminder, we would also be handling some of that data for our legitimate business interests.  That could include, but is not limited to, the maintenance of legal records, task management, staff training and monitoring, record keeping and reporting back to our client under the benefit scheme or seeking advice from others.

We may use IT services to assist in the provision of this service and such provider would be acting as our Processor.

We and the benefit provider would have a legitimate business interest in exchanging comments that may reflect on the performance and delivery of the benefit. This is for the purpose of continually improving the service.

Automated decision making and sending data outside of the EEA.

We do not send your data outside the Economic European Area. However, if you have given us a contact point that is outside the EEA then we will take your provision of that contact point as your consent to using that contact point, no matter where it is situated. We do not use automated decision systems. Log in systems if managed by us may include an automated check of log in details.

The period we may store your data or the criteria we may use for storage.

This data will be stored by us for up to a period of up to six and a half years or such other times as may be required by law, or regulatory rules. We may at our discretion retain the data for a shorter period. Data stored and processed by other data controllers will be stored and processed at their discretion.

Below are your rights in respect of this data.

General rights. Where the law does allow us to charge a fee then we reserve the right to do so.

  • You have the right to request why we are holding your data, the categories of data we hold, the purpose of the processing, the categories of the recipients of such data, how long we may hold that data, if automated processing is involved, and the possible source of the data if we did not collect the data direct from you.
  • You can ask if any of your personal data is transferred outside of the EEA by us or a processor acting for us.
  • You can ask for copies of personal data undergoing processing, where that does not affect the rights and freedoms of others. If you require further copies we can charge you a reasonable fee.
  • You can ask us to rectify inaccurate information or change and update any data that we hold about you.
  • You have the right to lodge a complaint regarding our processing of your personal data. You can complain to us at our contact address above. You can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) if you feel that we are infringing GDPR rules when handling your personal data. You can find out details about how to raise issues with the ICO from their web site or via their help line 0303 123 1113.
  • You have the right to the rectification of any in =accurate personal data we hold about you or to have’ incomplete data’ made ‘complete’ provided the processing requires such completeness.
  • In certain cases, listed below you have the right to request the erasure of personal data we hold about you, but such a request would not override our compliance with any legal obligation we have;
    • it is no longer necessary for us to hold such personal data in relation to the purpose for which it was collected,
    • you gave consent and now wish to withdraw that consent and there is no legal grounds for us to continue processing,
    • on the grounds that we do not have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data and that was the legal basis we were using, and can verify that is the case,
    • where we are using your personal data for marketing purposes,
    • the personal data was unlawfully processed, but you can ask us to continue storage of such data if you wish rather than select erasure.
  • You have the right to restrict processing, but not continued storage, where the accuracy of the data is contested whilst we verify the accuracy.
  • There may be cases where you can request that we transfer some personal data to another controller.
  • You have the right to object to a decision based solely on automated decision making or profiling where this is not necessary for entering into or the performance of a contract between us and you or you have already given us your explicit consent and the process has already taken place, but we will where reasonable and appropriate, review any decision made and consider any point of view you make regarding that decision.
  • Were we have given the legal reason for processing as your having given us ‘consent’ to that processing, then you can withdraw that consent and after that withdrawal no further processing will take place, but this does not affect processing which is based on other legal grounds.

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